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Oceania Webinar11.00 a.m. Tuesday 20 April 2021 How can we revitalise, renew and grow mutual relationships between our parish and school communities? Together let us…
By Diane Grant. Mother, grandmother and great grandmother, Eileen McDonald recently celebrated her 90th birthday recently.  A Nagambie parishioner for most of her life, she's…
Tuesday, 13 April 2021 16:37

Lessons Learnt from COVID-19

Catholic health and aged-care operators are calling on government to create clear lines of communication to avoid the confusion that beset the sectors at the…
Thursday, 01 April 2021 10:52

The Gianna Centre

The Gianna Centre is a caring family support, education, and referral service for men, women and young people dealing predominantly with pregnancy, parenting, relationships, fertility,…
On 17 March The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and Australian Catholic University’s public policy think tank, the PM Glynn Institute, hosted an online roundtable to…
Tuesday, 30 March 2021 18:13

Sandhurst gathers for Chrism Mass 2021

On Holy Tuesday, Bishop Shane Mackinlay gathered with Bishop Tomlinson emeritus and priests and people of the Sandhurst Diocese to celebrate the Mass of the…
Tuesday, 30 March 2021 18:07

Resources for Holy Week 2021

If you would like to learn more about different aspects of Holy Week, including its history and significance, or would like to delve more deeply…
Project Compassion Week 1 and Week 5 stories have featured Jamila and Halima, refugee women who fled from violence in Myanmar to the protection of…
By Kerry Stone Last Friday, St Mary’s Parish Echuca provided an amazing example of a community ‘BEING MORE’ with their all-day Caritas Ks event in…
Tuesday, 30 March 2021 02:04

The Passion According to John

7.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m. Tuesday 30 March 2021"John presents a completely different interpretation of the death of Jesus on the Cross."  Dr Mary Coloe…
Tuesday, 30 March 2021 01:57

RCIA Reflection Day 2021

“What will you do with your one wild and precious life?” These words, from the poem ‘The Summer Day’ by Mary Oliver, provided the focus…
Tuesday, 30 March 2021 01:47

The Way of the Cross

The Way of the Cross, Bendigo’s own Passion Play, has been postponed for yet another year. The ecumenical, live, open-air, theatrical re-telling of the trial,…
On 24 March a special Mass was celebrated by the Bishops of Victoria to bless CatholicCare Victoria, and entrust staff and partners with the new…
The momentous stories of Holy Week and Easter are so familiar, that we may sometimes miss important details -- aspects with potential significance for our…
Wednesday, 17 March 2021 12:56

New Chapter for Poor Clare Colettines

On Laetare Sunday,14 March, over ninety people from across the Sandhurst Diocese and beyond joined together to officially farewell the Poor Clare Colettines. After 55…
Wednesday, 17 March 2021 02:35

Make wise choices this Easter

Australians will purchase over $200 million in chocolate this Easter. Some of this chocolate is tainted by slavery and comes at the cost of a…
Wednesday, 17 March 2021 02:14

Palm Sunday Vigil for Refugees

For many years now, Palm Sunday has come to be a day of solidarity with the marginalised and excluded – a day for joining with…
Wednesday, 17 March 2021 01:04

Lent and Humility

This year, Rev. Deacon Adi Indra is continuing with his Canon Law studies, at an unfamiliar university with an unfamiliar cohort.  On being tasked with group work,…
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